1 Corinthians 7:29; James 4:14; Ephesians 5:15-17
Brethren, the time is short.
For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
CHARLES SIMEON (1759-1836): There is nothing wherein circumspection is more needful, than in the improvement of our time—It is lamentable to think how much time is lost for want of a due solicitude to “redeem” it.
OCTAVIUS WINSLOW (1808-1878): Time is priceless and precious.
JONATHAN EDWARDS (1703-1758): Time is very precious because when it is past, it cannot be recovered…When once that is gone, it is gone forever. No pains, no cost will recover it. Though we repent ever so much that we let it pass and did not improve it while we had it, it will be to no purpose.
C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892): If ye knew the sterling worth of time, ye would shrink from the smallest waste of so precious a thing.
JEREMY BURROUGHS (1599-1647): We all say time is precious, and it is so. The thorough understanding and applying of this point would make us see time precious indeed. If there could be an extract of the quintessence of all the pearls in the world put into one, it would not be such a precious pearl as the time of our lives—because that which depends upon it is infinitely worth more than ten thousand worlds. However, men and women make little of their time, and play and sport it away.
CHARLES SIMEON: Even in relation to temporal concerns, there are very few who are good economists of their time. But, in reference to their eternal interests, men let ten thousand opportunities pass them unheeded, and unimproved…No greater folly can be conceived than for persons to be regardless of their eternal interests, and to trifle away that time which they ought to be employing in the concerns of their souls.
MATTHEW HENRY (1662-1714): In the affairs of our souls, delays are dangerous; nothing is of more fatal consequence than men’s putting off their conversion from time to time. They will repent, and turn to God, but not yet; the matter is adjourned to some more convenient season, when such a business or affair is compassed, when they are so much older; and then convictions cool and wear off, good purposes prove to no purpose, and they are more hardened than ever in their evil way.
JOHN CALVIN (1509-1564): While the Lord addresses us by the Gospel, the door of heaven is thrown open to us, that we may now, as it were, enter into the possession of God’s benefits. We must not delay, therefore, but must eagerly avail ourselves of the time and the occasion when such distinguished blessings are offered to us.
ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER (1772-1851): Religious impressions opposed leave the soul in a more hardened state than before, just as iron heated and then cooled becomes harder.
THOMAS COKE (1747-1814): The day of grace is a precious season not to be trifled with; our eternity of happiness or misery depends on our neglect or improvement of it.
OCTAVIUS WINSLOW: What madness, then, to abuse a privilege so solemn, to misuse a blessing so precious. To employ it in vain pleasures and frivolous pursuits; to use it in senseless puerilities and sinful engagements. Oh, you killers of time! How will the ghost of your murdered hours haunt and upbraid you through the interminable centuries of eternity! Oh, what would you not then give for one hour of that precious period of your existence that now you waste and fritter and destroy in vain, useless, and sinful trifles, chimeras and shadows—ponder well the inspired precept, “Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Consider the apostolic exhortation, “This I say, brethren, the time is short.”
JONATHAN EDWARDS: Time is very short, which is another thing that renders it very precious.
CHARLES BRIDGES (1794-1869): And does it not solemnly tell us, that the day of grace has its limits?
THOMAS COKE: If he continues ignorant of God’s visitation, despises the riches of the divine mercy, and goes on obstinately in sin, these advantages are frequently taken away from him, his day of grace ends; the utmost term of God’s patience is past for ever; the divine spirit being grieved, is provoked to depart, and the man is delivered over to a hardened heart…When the day of grace is over, nothing remains for the sinner, but a fearful looking-for of judgment.
JEREMY BURROUGHS: Oh, do not squander it away, then, about trifles and vanities. For there are things of infinite concernment that you must do in this time of your lives. Oh, the loss of the time of your lives will be a dreadful loss one day! It will pierce your souls to think that once you had a day of grace, but now you have no time. Judgment is now passed upon you, and there is no remedy. Take heed that it be not your case.
CHARLES BRIDGES: Is it time to stand idle, when we stand at the door of eternity?
JEREMY BURROUGHS: You hear that time is precious and that there are great things that concern your souls and eternal condition. Yet, you spend your time to get estates, to get a little pleasure or honour in the world. But when the conclusion of all shall come, and you shall look back to see what you have done, God shall call you to an account and say, “Well now, there is an end of your time; what have you done in this world?” It may be you can say, “Lord, I have got an estate, and I have led a merry and jovial life.” “But all this while, what hast thou done for thy soul? What hast thou done for eternity? What hast thou done for the making of thy peace? What hast thou done about those things that are of such infinite weight and consequence?”
THOMAS BROOKS (1608-1680): Time is not yours to dispose of as you please; it is a glorious talent that men must be accountable for as well as any other talent.
JEREMY BURROUGHS: You know not whether you have a week or a day more before your eternal condition be stated upon you. Oh what need you have then to improve your time!
THOMAS FULLER (1608-1661): Time misspent is not lived, but lost.
C. H. SPURGEON: Do you still imagine that there is time enough and to spare? I beseech you, do not cherish so vain a thought. It may be that you suspect me of exaggerating: that I cannot do in such a case as this. Time is rushing on, swiftly but silently. While I speak, the minutes pass, the hour is soon gone, the day is almost spent…Every time the clock ticks, it seems to say, “Now.” The time is so short that the matter is urgent.
AUGUSTINE (354-430): Time never takes time off…“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom,” Psalm 90:11. We can never do that, except we number every day as our last day.
OCTAVIUS WINSLOW: One hour of time is of more value to a soul speeding to the judgment, unprepared to meet its dread sentence, than the ceaseless evolutions of eternity! There is no day of grace, no opportunity of conversion, no proclamation of salvation in the eternal world. “Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation!” 2 Corinthians 6:2. Let us, then, redeem the time because the time is short.