Complete Listing of all Posts by Category
- Angels
- What Do God’s Holy Angels Really Look Like?
- Elect Angels & Their Employments
- Do the Angels of God Have Bodies?
- Angels & Archangels: The Ranks of God’s Holy Angels
- Guardian Angels
- The Angelic Instruments of God’s Judgments
- Angelic Ministrations of Care & Comfort
- Angelic Messengers
- The Numbers & Powers of Angels
- Angelic Curiosity
- An Angelic Song of Grace & Glory, Peace & Goodwill
- The Angelic Gospel Sermon
- The Angelic Christmas Carol
- Assurance & Communion
- A Dreamy Breakfast with John Newton & Friends
- Old Mrs. Much Afraid
- Are Scripture Impressions Firm Evidences of Salvation?
- Is a Full Assurance of Faith Attainable?
- Assurance: Some Biblical Test Questions
- The Reality of Experiential Communion with God
- The Blessed Assurance in Jesus Christ’s Promise of Persecution
- Communion with God: The Reward of Obedience & Holy Dedication
- What Does It Mean to “Abide” in Jesus Christ?
- Christ Washing Peter’s Feet
- The Witness & Testimony of a Good Report
- Paul’s Persuasion
- The Cities of Refuge
- When Jesus Christ Stands Up
- The Testimony of Many Witnesses
- Atonement, Crucifixion, Ascension
- The Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
- Blood & Water: Justification & Sanctification
- The Importance of Jesus Christ’s Atonement in the 21st Century
- Jesus Christ the Messiah, the Immanuel of Prophecy
- Jesus Christ, the Most Forsaken Man in the History of the World
- The Unpayable Price of Redemption
- Three Hours of Darkness
- The Importance of Jesus Christ’s Ascension Into Heaven
- Ninth Plague Darkness & Ninth Hour Darkness
- The Son of God & The Son of Man
- Attributes of God, Jesus Christ
- God in History
- Our Advocate with God
- The Justice of God
- The Name of God Part 1: God's Name is the Revelation of Himself
- The Name of God Part 2: Taking Refuge in the Name of the LORD
- The Name of God Part 3: The Fullness of the Name of Jesus Christ
- Incarnate Deity
- The Infinite Wisdom of God's Arrangements
- The Sovereign & Infinite Wisdom of the Divine Architect
- The Zeal of God
- God's Perfect Wisdom in the Distribution of His Grace
- Verilies & Amens
- The Lamb of God
- The Mystery of Melchizedek Part 1: Who was Melchizedek?
- The Mystery of Melchizedek Part 2: Jesus, the Eternal Priest & King
- Why Does God ‘Permit’ Evil? The Secret Purposes of God
- The Judicial Hand of God in the Wars of Nations
- A Spiritual Weather Report on Sovereign Grace
- The Awesome, Glorious Presence of Our Exalted Lord Jesus Christ
- Christ’s Example for Christian Submission to the Will of God
- The Mercy & Truth of God to Unworthy Sinners
- The Righteous Symmetry of God’s Judgments
- The Unity of the Trinity in the Salvation of Man
- The Existence & Attributes of God Are Evidenced by Creation
- The Preeminence of the Lord Jesus Christ over Angels
- The Beauty of Holiness
- The Wonder of the Babe in the Manger
- The God of the Bible is a God of Mercy, Judgment & Justice
- The Everlasting Love of God the Father
- The Depths of Christ’s Suffering During Calvary’s Darkness
- Jesus Christ, An Everlasting Father to His Children
- Jesus Christ, the King of Meekness
- A Great Mysterious Wonder
- God’s Delights
- Jesus Christ, the King of Empathy
- The Thrice Holy God
- Manger Meditations
- God’s Word on All Who Deny the Deity of Jesus Christ
- The Equitable Poetic Justice of God’s Judgments
- Jesus Christ’s Triumphant Ascension Into Heaven
- Jesus Christ, Our Father From Everlasting—To Everlasting
- Light on the Beauty of Holiness & the Colours of the Rainbow
- The Baby Born with Immunity to the World’s Deadliest Virus
- Weather Events
- The Goodness of Our Heavenly Father
- The Severity of a Merciful God
- A Lowly Manger, But A Glorious Majesty
- The Perfect Man With Perfect Preeminent Power
- The Goodness of the Lord
- God’s Absolute Sovereignty
- A Morning in the Temple, Part 1 of 3: The Scenario of a Subtle Snare
- A Morning in the Temple, Part 2 of 3: Christ Answers the Pharisees
- A Morning in the Temple, Part 3 of 3: Jesus Speaks to the Woman
- God Governing the Nations
- God the Father Manifested in His Son
- Jesus Christ, the King of Glory with Many Crowns
- Bible Characters
- Truly Great Christian Women
- The Sad Lament of Balaam
- Enoch’s Long Walk With God
- A Mother’s Day Post: Samuel & His Mother Hannah
- Samson’s Eye Problem
- Abraham’s Spiritual Discernment
- Noah’s Faith
- Nehemiah’s Prayers
- Phebe
- King Asa's Old Age
- Philemon
- Solomon’s Worldly Extravagance & His Son’s Stupidity
- The Thankful Leper
- Jacob’s Wrestling Match
- Obadiah's Fear of God
- Elijah & Obadiah
- Absalom’s Memorial & Absalom’s Hair
- Alexander the Coppersmith
- Thomas
- The Dress, Doctrine, & Diet of John the Baptist
- Onesiphorus
- Ezra’s New Year’s Day
- The Most Famous Mother of All Time
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 13: God’s Symmetrical Tapestry
- David & His Nephew Joab
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 1: Gibeon
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 2: A Murder
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 3: A Funeral
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 4: God’s Purposes
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 5: Warriors
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 6: Secret Messages
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 7: Grace
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 8: Rape, Murder, and Folly
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 9: Perceptive Discernment
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 10: Inquiring of the LORD
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 11: Narcissistic Vanity
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 12: Idolatry
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 15: Retribution and Revenge
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 16: Spiritual Surgery
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 17: Restoration
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 18: Political Expediency
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 19: Amasa’s Murder
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 20: Gibeon, Guidance, and Grace
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 21: The Glory of God
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 22: Justice and Mercy
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 23: Old Age
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 24: David’s Last Lesson
- David and His Nephew Joab – Part 25: Joab’s Final Lesson
- John Mark
- Lessons from the Life of Lot
- Lesson 1 From the Life of Lot: Lot’s Worldly Choices
- Lesson 2 From the Life of Lot: Lot’s Influential Achievements
- Lesson 3 From the Life of Lot: Lot’s Testimony to his Children
- Lesson 4 From the Life of Lot: Lot’s Flight From Sodom Into Zoar
- Lesson 5 from the Life of Lot: The Danger of Zoar
- Lessons From the Life of Lot Part 6: Lot’s Wife
- Lessons From the Life of Lot Part 7: Lot’s Final Legacy
- Bible Study
- The Treasures of the Deep
- Biographical Bible History
- Reading Commentaries
- The Spiritual Realities of Scripture Allegories & Types
- Allegories & Types Part 1: The Debate Over Their Legitimacy
- Allegories & Types Part 2: What are the Limits of Their Use?
- Allegories & Types Part 3: The Danger Zone Beyond Wise Limits
- The Harmonious Details of the Old & New Testaments
- The Roots of Error & Heresy
- The Historical Books of the Old Testament
- Orderly, Systematic & Profitable Bible Reading
- Reading the Bible with Personal Application
- The Spiritual Checks & Balances of Proper Bible Study
- Athenian Curiosity
- Prayer, The Master Key to Profitable Bible Study, Part 1
- Prayer, The Master Key to Profitable Bible Study, Part 2
- The Perfection of Scripture Is Seen in its Details
- The Spiritual Profit of Considering Scripture Details
- Systematic Bible Reading
- Studying Bible Characters
- Searching for Wisdom in a Foolish World
- Berean Bible Study
- Bible: Inspiration & Authority
- The Science of Scripture
- The King James Version (1611-2011) Happy 400th Birthday!
- Is the King James Bible a "Divinely Inspired" Bible translation?
- The Unique Revelation of God
- God's Preservation of the Bible
- The Spiritual Lie Detector
- The Divine Inspiration of Scripture
- What is Divine Inspiration & Why is it so Important?
- Divine Inspiration: Verbal Accuracy & Modern Bible Translations
- The Nature of Divine Inspiration
- The Traditional Primary Principle of the Protestant Reformation
- The Eternal Pure Perfection of the Word of God
- Old & New Testament Harmony on the Doctrine of the Trinity
- A Fool’s Claim: There! See? The Bible Does Contradict Itself!
- The Dark Places of the Earth, Past & Present
- Satan’s War on English Personal Pronouns
- Christian Church
- Conversation on the Lord's Day
- Modern Evangelicalism Part 1: Worldly Conformity
- Modern Evangelicalism Part 2: The "Christian World"
- The Basis of Church Reformation
- Denominational Pride
- Reformation, Revival & the Role of Women
- Devilish Carnal Zeal Part 1
- Devilish Carnal Zeal Part 2
- Church Petitions & Political Activism
- Religious Deception: Why Protestant Watchdogs Don't Bark
- The Great "Global" Church: Religious & Political Ecumenicalism
- Drama Plays & Skits, ‘Jesus’ Movies, & Television Bible Serials
- Are there Apostles in Today's Church? Yes, indeed; False ones.
- Winter in the Church of God
- The Certain Triumph of Christ’s Church
- Roman Catholicism - The Great Church of Human Tradition
- Adding Members to Christ’s Church
- The Headcovering Contention ― Ignorance, or Feminist Rebellion?
- Doing Our Part
- “Battle Lines Being Drawn; Nobody’s Right, If Everybody’s Wrong”
- Assembling Ourselves Together
- Christian Life
- Choosing Your Friends
- The Financial Times Part 1: The Servitude of Debt
- The Financial Times Part 2: The Spiritual Reality of Debt
- Administering Reproof
- Christian Charity
- Dealing with Anger
- Cleansed Lepers
- Lord, What wilt Thou have me to do?
- Thankfulness & Thanksgiving
- Education
- The Character of True Christian Zeal
- God's Witnesses
- Worldly Entertainment
- How Do You Hear?
- A Christian Monetary Policy for the New Year
- The Necessity of True Christian Zeal in Evil Times
- Spiritual Marathon Runners
- The Christian Pilgrim
- Serving Our Generation
- Our Busy Lives
- Full Bellies & Fat Hearts
- A Special Reminder & An Encouragement to Elderly Believers
- The Need for Watchfulness in Old Age
- An Ebenezer for New Year’s Eve
- Two Mites Enriched With Mighty Lessons
- Two Thoughtful Questions With One Good Answer
- A Time to Laugh
- Walking with God in a Very Wicked World
- Flies in the Ointment
- The 700th Post** - Submission to God’s Judgments
- The Blessings of Cheerful Charity
- Experiential, or Experimental Understanding
- An Enlarged Heart
- Faithful Witnessing
- The Evils of Gossip & Backbiting
- The Blessing of Christian Fellowship in an Ungodly Age
- When Sudden Anger Ambushes Good Men
- An Enlarged Heart
- Forward—into the New Year
- Hearing God's Rod
- Thoughts At the End of Another Year
- Questions & Answers for a New Year
- Spiritual Sailing
- Spiritual Sailing Part 1: The Voyage to Heaven
- Spiritual Sailing Part 2: Setting Sail
- Spiritual Sailing Part 3: The Sailor's Navigation Chart
- Spiritual Sailing Part 4: The Infallible Pilot
- Spiritual Sailing Part 5: Storms at Sea
- Spiritual Sailing Part 6: Sailing through Stormy Weather
- Spiritual Sailing Part 7: A Sure Anchor in the Storm
- Spiritual Sailing Part 8: Answers to Prayer
- Spiritual Sailing Part 9: Plugging the Water Leaks
- Spiritual Sailing Part 10: The Danger of Smooth Sailing
- Spiritual Sailing Part 11: Safe Harbours
- Spiritual Sailing Part 12: The Perils of Pirate Waters
- Spiritual Sailing Part 13: Sailing in Convoy
- Spiritual Sailing Part 14: The Heavenly Harbour
- Christians & Politics
- National Sins & National Judgments
- Christian Political Wisdom
- Democracy: The Great Modern Idol
- Politicians & Party Politics
- A Political Truth
- The Curse of Political Pastors & Preacher-Politicians
- Nationalistic Pride & War
- Why There Will Always Be Wars in the World
- The Political Princes of Modern Times
- Political Science 101 in King Solomon’s University
- The True Character of War
- The Financial Security & Freedom of Individuals & Nation States
- The Difference Between Christianity & Communism
- True Liberty
- The Christian Voter’s Responsibility
- Moral Courage: The Essential Qualification for Political Office
- Religious Liberty & Politically Correct Tyranny
- The Discernment of the Men of Issachar
- A Reminder to Canada on July 1—and to the USA on July 4
- Christian Citizenship
- The Christian Citizen Part 1: A Citizen of a Heavenly New Jerusalem
- The Christian Citizen Part 2: His Duty to Earthly State Governments
- The Christian Citizen Part 3: A Duty to Pray for Government Leaders
- The Christian Citizen Part 4: His Duty in Business & Employment
- The Christian Citizen Part 5: The Holiness of Heavenly Citizenship
- The Christian Citizen Part 6: His Enduring Obligation of Love
- Christian Citizenship Part 7: The Complete Heavenly Citizen
- Church History
- Puritans Part 1: The Puritan Spirit
- Puritans Part 2: Puritan Principles
- Who was the Greatest Preacher of All?
- When a Godly Man Insists Upon an Error 1: Marburg, 1529
- When a Godly Man Insists Upon an Error 2: Laying Marburg to Rest
- Rowland Hill: An Eccentric Ehud with a Witty Double-edged Dagger
- The Great Methodist Revival of the 18th Century
- An Appreciation of John Wesley & the Sovereign Grace of God
- Sermon Preparation: Saturday Night in Spurgeon's Study
- C. H. Spurgeon’s Pulpit Ministry in the Eyes of His Contemporaries
- In Remembrance of Oliver Cromwell
- Honourable Humility: Thomas Manton
- Some Things to Remember on Remembrance Day
- A Puritan Thanksgiving
- The 16th Century Protestant Reformation (500 Years: 1517-2017)
- The 1st Pillar of the Reformation: The Supreme Authority of the Bible
- The 2nd Pillar: Justification by Grace Through Faith in Christ Alone
- The Great Price Paid for these Two Pillars of Truth
- How the Roman Catholic Church Corrupted the Bible
- A Reformation Legacy: Political Liberty & Freedom of Speech
- God’s Providence: A Printing Press for Martin Luther’s Preaching
- Sola Scriptura―The Essential Basis of the Protestant Reformation
- The Power of Praise in the Midst of Persecution & Peril
- Conviction & Conversion
- The Hidey Holes of Man's Deceitful Heart Under a Conviction of Sin
- The Comforter’s Conviction of Sin
- An Experiential Evidence of Grace in the Heart
- Coming to God By Coming Unto Jesus Christ
- Self-Deception & Counterfeit Conversions
- What is True Conversion?
- The Summer is Gone
- God’s Law & God’s Gospel Illustrated
- A Three Point Gospel
- Heavenly Light for the Human Heart of Darkness
- The Poor in Spirit
- The Cure for the World’s Deadliest Virus
- Not Many—But Some
- Reflections on a Blind Man’s Cure
- The Pool of Siloam
- Monitory Dreams – Warnings, Admonitions, & Convictions
- The Mystery of Regeneration
- Death & Resurrection
- Cutting Down the Barren Fig Tree
- The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
- When Vanity Meets Ultimate Reality
- Deathbeds
- The Brevity of Life
- Deathbed Conversions
- Our God and our Guide, for ever and ever.
- Facing the Grim Reality of Death
- Death, the Great “Last Enemy” & the “King of Terrors”
- Examining Official Policy on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
- The Relentless Inevitable Progression of Old Age
- Do Christians have a "Right" To Die? Or An Obligation to the Lord?
- Resurrection First Fruits
- A Memoir of Edward Payson (1783-1827)
- An Easter Springtime
- Jesus Christ’s Answer to the Sadducees
- Providential Departures
- Touch Me Not
- Doctrine & Practice
- Modern Theology
- Philosophy 101
- Man's Natural Depravity
- What is Christianity?
- Repentance & Faith: The Chicken or the Egg?
- An Ecumenical Wind of False Doctrine
- Man’s Free Will: Roman Catholic & Arminian Unity in Doctrinal Error
- The Creation of Man in the Image of God, or Evolution?
- The Hopeless Futility of Trying to Be Saved by “Good Works”
- Good Works in Their Proper Scriptural Place
- Is Fasting a Christian Duty for Protestant Evangelicals?
- A Bible Text Loved by Libertines & Ignored by Pharisees
- The Sublime Mystery of the Trinity of the Godhead
- God’s Election of Grace Unto Good Works
- The God-Dishonouring Despair of Arminian Insecurity
- Overcoming the Prejudices of a Religious Upbringing
- A Vital Question for the 21st Century
- Are All Men the Children of God?
- The Tongues of Pentecost & the Tongues of Pentecostalism
- Our Lord Jesus Christ’s Rule for Christian Fasting
- Our Present & Future Adoption as the Sons of God
- A Question of Individual Conscience: War & Military Service
- A Roman Catholic Doctrine of Devils
- Does the Sixth Commandment Forbid All Killing?
- Is Capital Punishment Justified?
- How to Pay an Unpayable Debt that Must be Paid
- A Motto for Every New Year
- Is Tithing a New Testament Duty?
- God’s Animal Rights Legislation
- The Scriptural Christian’s View of the World
- Autumn Reflections
- The Battle Cry of the Protestant Reformation
- Justification By Faith Alone: A Stumbling Block Removed
- Tax Time
- God’s Conservation Commandment
- Organized Crime Prosecuted
- The Elect Lady
- Seasons of Nature, Providence, & Grace
- Stumbling Blocks
- God’s Commandment to Fathers
- Looking For Christ’s Return
- The Importance of Correct Scripture Terminology
- Sovereign Predestination or Man's Free Will: The Great Doctrinal Debate
- Predestination or Freewill Part 1: The Great Debate Ground Rule
- Predestination or Freewill Part 2: The Crux of the Debate
- Predestination or Freewill Part 3: The Case of Jacob & Esau
- Predestination or Freewill Part 4: God’s Foreknowledge. What is it?
- Predestination or Freewill Part 5: The Exact Moment of Regeneration
- Predestination or Freewill Part 6: Can Saving Grace be Resisted?
- Predestination or Freewill Part 7: Can a True Believer Fall ever from Grace and Perish?
- Predestination or Freewill Part 8: A Believer’s Certain Perseverance
- Predestination or Freewill Part 9: The Unfathomable Depth
- Predestination or Freewill Part 10: The Inescapable Conclusion
- Evangelism & Revival
- Sowing the Seed
- Itinerant Preaching
- Revival & Reformation is Never Officially Authorized
- Revival Part 1: The Power of Prayer
- Revival Part 2: Prayer is always the Fore-Runner of a True Revival
- Singing & Revival
- The Sunday School Missionary
- A Sound Sunday School Curriculum Part 1
- A Sound Sunday School Curriculum Part 2
- A New Year's Wish: New Heralds of Revival & Reformation
- The Pelagian Virus that Corrupted American Evangelism
- The Characteristics of A True Evangelical Revival
- The Sudden, Surprising Sovereignty of God in True Revival
- Missionary Requirements Part 1: The True Missionary Spirit
- Missionary Requirements Part 2: The Missionary At Work
- Casting Thy Bread Upon the Waters
- A Day of Pentecostal Power
- Open Air Itinerant Preaching
- Lessons in Christian Evangelism Part 1
- Lessons in Christian Evangelism Part 2: Witness & Testimony
- An Encouragement to Personal Evangelism
- Faith
- The Essence of True Saving Faith
- What is a Christian?
- The Limits of Man's Reason
- The Terrible Delusion of a False Peace
- Waiting for the Water to Move
- Persevering Private Prayer: A Test of True Faith
- Trusting in the Lord
- The Deceitful Serpent of Self-Righteousness
- Secret Prayer: The First Sign of True Saving Faith
- The Hard Work of Ceasing from Our Own Works
- True Faith: The “No Pain, No Gain” Rule of Spiritual Exercise
- Trusting God When Everything Seems to Go Wrong
- The Deceptive False Faith of Trusting in Faith
- The Great Physician’s Prescription for Overcoming Fear
- False Foundations of “Faith” that are Certain to Fail
- Waiting on the Lord in Faith & Hope
- Jesus Christ’s Parable of the Wedding Garment
- How Can We Please God?
- Faith & Hope in Troublous Times
- The Difference Between Christian Faith & Worldly Fatalism
- The One & Only True Warrant of Faith
- Romans 10:17; Mark 4:9
- Whole Hearted Seeking
- Faith in Times of Pestilence
- Delusional Dreams of Salvation
- The Courageous Faith of Ann Askew (1521-1546)
- David’s Hope in the Goodness of the Lord
- What is True Saving Faith?
- Active Living Faith
- God's Promises
- The Faithfulness of our God
- The Promise of Christ’s Fullness for Our Emptiness
- Pleading God’s Promises in Prayer
- The Character of God is the Certain Guarantee of His Promises
- The Precious Promises of God Given to Believers in Jesus Christ
- Filling the Spiritual Storehouse with the Promises of God
- Staggering in Unbelief at the Promises of God
- Vignettes of God’s Vengeance Upon the Persecutors of His People
- Knock, Knock, Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door
- How Can We Find Comfort In All Our Afflictions?
- The Essential Priority of First Things First
- A Conditional Promise of Our Lord’s Special Blessing
- God’s Provision in Times of Famine
- A Divine Promise for the Meek
- God’s Conditional Promise For Times of Pestilence
- A Precept of Duty & A Promise of Payment
- The Promise of God’s Great Covenant Oath
- The Treasures of the Snow
- David’s Courageous Determination
- The Promise & The Warning of Jesus Christ’s Ascension
- Christ’s Certain Word, Peter’s Confidence, & Paul’s Persuasion
- The Spiritual Significance of God’s Rainbow
- Grace & Its Growth
- How Old Are You?
- Seasons of Grace in the Garden of God
- The Gift of God's Saving Grace Through Faith in Jesus Christ
- Samson’s Riddle Unriddled
- What Actually is God's Grace? How Can We Define it?
- The Mysterious Beginnings of Grace in the Soul
- The Gardening Work of Old Age: Cultivating Grace
- The Christian Grace of Meekness
- Eminent Examples of Meekness in Word & Deed
- The Weaned Child of God
- How Can Salt Lose Its Savour?
- Christian Courage
- Unskilful in the Word
- Growth of Grace Series
- The Growth of Grace Part 1: Awakening Grace, or The Effectual Call
- The Growth of Grace Part 2: Grace in the Blade, or, the New Convert
- The Growth of Grace Part 3: The New Convert Growing in Grace
- The Growth of Grace Part 4: Grace in the Ear, or the Young Believer
- The Growth of Grace Part 5: Experiential Heart Knowledge
- The Growth of Grace Part 6: The Maturing Believer
- The Growth of Grace, Part 7: The Full Ear in the Corn
- Guidance & Wisdom
- Following the Lord’s Leading
- God's Guidance: The First Reason Christians Fail to Obtain it
- God’s Guidance: The Second Reason Christians Fail to Obtain it
- Common Sense
- When in Doubt, What Should We Do? Consult our Privy Counsellors.
- Seeking God’s Guidance When Troubles & Confusions Multiply
- King Solomon’s Tweets of Wisdom & Warning
- The Childish Character of Those Who Are Easily Deceived
- Trusting Our Lord’s Wisdom & Mercy Under the Rod
- A Reminder For Fathers & Grandfathers
- The Key to Receiving God’s Guidance
- Sure & Certain Truth for a “Post-Truth” Generation
- The Audible Difference Between Wisdom & Folly
- A Covid-19 Message From God’s Word, Confirmed By Science
- The Pursuit of Happiness Part 1
- Can a Christian Be Too Righteous?
- Elementary Education
- Times Past, & Times Present
- A Meditation for New Year’s Day
- A Practical Lesson in True Wisdom
- The Wisdom of Ants
- The Key to a Happy New Year
- The Proverbial Folly of Fools
- Advice to a Young Woman Entering Into Adult Life
- Proverbial Wisdom on Dealing With Fools
- The Preciousness of Time
- Heaven & Hell
- Holy Spirit
- The Word of God in the Power of the Holy Spirit
- The Marks of Spiritual Regeneration by the Holy Ghost
- The Spirit of Adoption, Grace, & Supplications
- The Holy Spirit, the Divine Teacher of God’s Truth
- The Absolute Necessity of the Holy Spirit’s Divine Light
- Two Swords
- Starting School―in the School of Jesus Christ
- The Still Small Voice
- The Essential Illumination of the Holy Spirit
- Pentecostal Fire
- Praying in the Holy Spirit
- Jesus Christ’s Gifts for Repentant Rebels
- The Counterfeit Gift of Tongues
- The Breath of Life
- Lord's Day
- Does God Command a ‘Christian’ Sabbath?
- The Sabbath Day Observance is not a “Jewish” Institution
- Who Changed the “Sabbath” Day into the “Lord’s” Day?
- How Do We Sanctify the Sabbath & Keep the Lord’s Day Holy?
- The Blessings of Observing the Lord’s Day As God Commanded
- The Dangers of Profaning the Lord’s Day
- Keeping the Lord’s Day Holy
- The Feast of Pentecost
- Lord's Supper
- The Frequency of the Lord's Supper
- Memorable Moments at the Lord's Table
- "Strict" or Closed Communion
- The Principle of Unity: One Bread - One Body
- The Joyful Family Feast
- Unworthy Table Manners
- Church Rights & Church Wrongs at the Lord’s Table
- Habitual Absence from the Lord’s Supper
- Considering the Love of Jesus Christ in the Lord’s Supper
- The Proper Dress Code for Attendance at the Lord’s Supper
- Preparing for the Lord’s Supper
- Till He Come
- Perception in Reception
- The Form of the Lord’s Supper in Scriptural Simplicity
- Jesus Christ’s Tender Request
- This Do, In Remembrance of Me
- The Unity of Believers As Seen in the Lord’s Supper
- A Preparation for the Lord’s Supper
- Love
- Loving the Brethren: The Acid Test of True Faith
- The Evidence of a True Christian Love for the Brethren
- The Difference Between Saints & Devils
- Obedience to God’s Word: The Best Proof of True Love for Christ
- What is the Greatest Commandment in the Law?
- A Reality Check on Islamic Peace, Tolerance & Love
- Empathy
- Walking in Love
- Jesus Christ’s Gracious Restoration of Peter
- The Love of God in Jesus Christ
- Marriage, Women, Husbands & Wives
- Female Piety
- The Ministry of Motherhood
- The Institution of Marriage
- Marriage: Finding a Companion for Life
- An Appreciation of Preachers’ Wives
- Female Beauty in its Proper Perspective
- The Peevish, Discontented, Nagging Wife
- The Biblical Balance For A Happy Marriage
- The Prayer Life of Married Life
- Mothers
- When Men Act Like Babies, God Raises Up Mothers in Israel
- Christian Marital Love & Respect
- A Mother’s Law
- A Good Wife is a Gift from God
- A Mother’s Most Important Duty
- Honourable Mothers in Israel
- The Marriage of Moses & Zipporah
- Meditation, Solitude & Self-examination
- Morning Devotions
- The Necessity of Solitude
- Seasons of Solitude
- Tuning our Hearts for Prayer
- Self-serving Zeal
- The Importance of Meditation Upon God's Word
- A Censorious Spirit
- Snakes in the Bosom
- True Christian Meditation is not Contemplative Mysticism
- Doing the Math on Time & Eternity
- Do Ye Not Remember?
- Am I a Child of God?
- Our Omnipresent All-Seeing God
- Man’s Way & God’s Way
- A Prescription For Restoring Spiritual Health
- The Heart of Idolatry
- Buds, Blossoms & Bringing Forth Fruit
- Consider This
- A Carnal Mind or a Spiritual Mind—Which is Yours?
- Iniquity in the Heart
- What Thinkest Thou?
- Failing of the Grace of God; What Does That Mean?
- Miscellaneous
- A New Year's Benediction
- The Lesson of History
- Discerning the Times
- Multiculturalism: The Spirit of "Inter-faith" Ecumenicalism
- Religious Deception: The Era of Euphemism
- Christmas Wonders
- The Pope's Mass: A Great Public Denial of Christ’s Finished Work
- The Unthankful Perilous Times of the Last Days
- A New Year’s Eve Post: The Ticking Down of the Clock
- The Plain Truth about Lies, & Truth, for a “Post-truth” Era
- No Room for Jesus Christ
- A New Year’s Lesson From Elijah’s Last Day on Earth
- A Matter of Time
- The Dream of Pontius Pilate’s Wife
- Where Do Dreams Come From?
- A Grievous Plague of Flies
- Prayer
- Prayer in the Presence of God
- Oh, Lord!
- Pulpit Prayer Part 1: Reading Forms & Monotonous Repetition
- Pulpit Prayer Part 2: Lengthy Prayer, the Murderer of Fervency
- Pulpit Prayer Part 3: The Plague of Long Preachy Prayer
- The Gift of Prayer Part 1: Quickening Power
- The Gift of Prayer Part 2: The Wordy Counterfeit
- The Gift of Prayer Part 3: The Babbling Counterfeit
- Two eggs, over easy, Toast & Coffee please: Praying to Order
- Spiritual Labour Pains
- Praying for Conversions
- Prayer Question #1: Does God Really Hear Prayer?
- Prayer Question #2: Will God always Hear Prayer?
- Prayer Question #3: Does God Answer Prayer?
- Praying for Preachers & Pastors
- Powerful Prayer Part 1: A Holy Boldness
- Powerful Prayer Part 2: A Holy Argument with God
- Some Thoughts on Dust, Both Serious & Silly
- Prayer & Fasting for the Christian Church, the Spiritual Israel of God
- Watching for God’s Answers to Our Prayers
- Seeking God’s Special Guidance by Fasting & Prayer
- Lifting Up Our Hearts & Eyes to God in Heaven
- God’s Answers to Prayer Come in God’s Own Perfect Time
- Praying in Prayer Meetings
- Incense & The Angel of Incense
- Why Government Leaders Need Our Prayers
- Praying for Government Officials; A Duty for Our Own Benefit
- Christian Duty in a Time of National Distress
- True Repentance in Prose & Poetry
- Are We All Saying Our Prayers?
- Lord, Teach Us to Pray
- Asking Amiss
- Holy Boldness
- The Mighty Men of Prayer of the Protestant Reformation
- A Prayer for God’s Blessing in the New Year
- Sometimes Answers to Prayer are Not What We Expect
- Lengthy Public Prayers
- The Duty, Comfort, & Privilege of Prayer
- Preaching & Ministry
- Sovereign Grace
- Spiritually Strange Birds
- The Berean Protestant
- Religious Titles
- Presence of Mind in the Pulpit
- The Right Word at the Right Time
- Preaching with Tears
- A Threefold Cord: Strand #1 - The Doctrinal Preacher
- A Threefold Cord: Strand #2 - The Practical Preacher
- A Threefold Cord: Strand #3 - The Experimental (or Experiential) Preacher
- A Threefold Cord: The Three Strands Fully Braided Together
- The Right Honourable Sunday School Teacher
- Academic Degrees & Theological Diplomas
- God's Sovereignty in Ministerial Diversity
- Rightly Handling the Word of Truth
- Sermon Preparation: When Bible Reading Becomes a Text Message
- What Shall I Say?
- Unction
- The Manner of the Man in the Pulpit
- Man Pleasing
- Pulpit Oratory
- The High Calling & Authority of Ambassadors for Christ
- The Awesome Responsibility of the Gospel Ministry
- Why Do You Want to Preach?
- Winter in the Church of God
- A Calvinistic Preacher's Dilemma: How Do I Address Sinners?
- The Mystery of Spirit-Led Preaching
- Sleeping in the Pew & Sleeping Pills in the Pulpit
- Preachers that God Commissions are Given Preaching Gifts
- The Leading of the Holy Spirit in Selecting Preaching Material
- Mirror, Mirror, upon the Wall, Who shall be the Greatest of us All?
- Pride: The Popular Preacher’s Peril
- Geriatric Giants: Old Preachers Graced With the Spirit of Caleb
- Ministerial Individuality
- Are You Preparing a Sermon, or Writing an Essay?
- The Gift of Utterance & its Effects
- Hammers & Nails in the Service of God
- When God Shuts Up a Preacher’s Mouth
- The Difficulties of Consistent & Inconsistent Preaching
- Faithful Ministry: Speaking Truth to Power
- The Wisdom of God's Foolishness
- An American “New & Improved” Gospel
- Women Preaching
- Is it True that “God Loves the Sinner, But Hates the Sin”?
- Speaking the Truth in Love, and Grace, Seasoned with Salt
- The Spiritual Danger of Pride in Gifts & Grace
- Apostolic Evangelical Preaching
- Eutychus
- Prophecy & Prophets
- Prophecy: The Testimony of Jesus
- False Prophets & False Teachers & Their Poisonous Effect
- Islam & the Prophecy Concerning Hagar & Abraham’s Son Ishmael
- Prophetic Symbolism: The Two Pillars of Solomon’s Temple
- Enoch’s Prophesy & the Prophetic Symbolism of His Departure
- A Real Global Climate “Emergency”
- The Spiritual Blindness of the Jews
- The Prophetic Symbolism of the Rainbow
- God’s Perfect Timing & Purposes Concerning the Birth of Christ
- The Other Side of the Rainbow
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ in Three Prophetic Signs – Part 1
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ in Three Prophetic Signs – Part 2
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ in Three Prophetic Signs – Part 3
- The Star of Christ, and His Stars, in Prophecy
- Jesus Christ's Parable of the Leaven
- Providence
- A Chance Encounter
- Remembering God's Providences Part 1: His Mighty Works of Old
- Remembering God's Providences Part 2: In Our Own Experience
- Interpreting God's Providences
- God's Perfect Providential Timing
- God Fits His Servants for the Work He has Purposed Them to Do
- The Primary Basic Lesson of God’s Providence
- When God’s Providences Seem to Contradict God’s Promises
- How Providence Reconciles God’s Sovereignty & Man’s Free Will
- God Uses Little Things to Accomplish Great Things
- Why Am I Here? In This Place? And At This Time?
- God’s Special Providences
- A Tale of Taxes & Timing, Prophecy & Providence
- Seeking God’s Guidance Concerning His Providences
- Reading & Writing
- Some Directions for Writers
- Books
- Writing for Posterity: John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress
- Intellectual Bible Reading
- The Puritans
- Be Careful of What you Read
- Writers & their Labours
- Letter Writing
- What do You Read?
- Paul's Books & Parchments
- An Eminent Religious Writer: Thomas Manton (1620-1677)
- Matthew Henry's Commentary
- William Gurnall & The Christian in Complete Armour
- Reason & Revelation
- Sanctification & Holiness
- Trees of Righteousness Under the Gardener’s Pruning Knife
- When Hatred is a Holy Christ-like Emotion
- Sanctified Thought Control
- The Language of Holy Humility & its Conversational Counterfeit
- The Character of True Christian Forgiveness
- The Failures & Falls of God’s Children
- Can Any Christian on Earth Live a Life of Sinless Perfection?
- The Certain Sinless Perfection of Every Believer in Jesus Christ
- God's Rod of Correction
- What is True Gospel Holiness?
- The Solemn Fast
- Walking with God in an Ungodly World
- Dead Flies
- When Jesus Christ Washes Our Feet
- Possessing the Land of Our Inheritance
- Walking the Walk That Pleases God
- The Glorious Mysterious Change Yet to Come
- One Woman’s Perceptive Garden Sign: Free Weeds, Pick Your Own
- Kindergarten in the School of Christ
- Thought Crime
- True Liberty in the Lord
- Lessons Learned in the School of Affliction
- Sin & Unbelief
- The Nature of Idolatry
- The Chameleon of Human Pride
- Ambition & the Pride of Life
- Covetousness
- Secret Sins
- How Secret Sins Become Presumptuous Sins
- Backsliding
- Ignorance is Certainly Not Bliss, Nor the “Mother of Devotion”
- The True Believer’s Constant Struggle Against Indwelling Sin
- Franken-Self: the Monster that Man Made of Himself
- Evil Thoughts & Wicked Imaginations
- Pride: The Source of Error, Envy & Every Evil Work
- The Unmistakable Signs of Spiritual Pride
- Gambling
- The Soul of the Spiritual Sluggard
- The Abuse of God’s Grace
- The Ultimate April Fool: The Atheist
- The Sin of the Angels that Sinned
- Morbid Introspection & Mysticism, Twins of Experiential Pride
- The Malignant Cancer of Envy & Its Cure
- An Inconvenient Truth: The Groaning of the Earth in Pain
- Counterfeit Humility
- Parades of Pride, Glorying in Their Shame
- Four Suicidal Chariots: Cowardice & Despair, Rebellion & Unbelief
- Abortion Seen Scripturally & Scientifically
- Assisted Suicide
- Sowing the Wind & Reaping the Whirlwind
- Holy Hate Speech
- The Insidious Deceptiveness of Modern Idolatry
- The Ninth Plague – Egyptian Darkness
- Vain Foolish Boasters
- The World’s Most Deadly Virus
- The Pride of Political Demagogues & False Prophets
- The Idolatry of Modern Environmentalism
- Evil Speaking of Powers That Be
- An Astonishing Self-Deception: Waiting in Unbelief
- Unteachableness—a Deadly Fruit of Formality
- The Public Pride of Perversion
- Man’s Natural Pride & Its Enmity Against God
- When Nations Depart From God
- Spiritual Warfare, Opposition
- The "Evil Day"
- The Root of Man's Enmity to the Bible
- The Religious Man's Hatred of Christ
- Satanic Opposition
- One Man―Alone?
- Satan's Constant Warfare Against Prayer
- The Truth―the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth.
- Satan Takes Sleeping Saints By Surprise
- Satan’s Spiritual Blitzkrieg: A Sudden Assault on a Believer’s Mind
- Our Thoughts: the Spawning Ground of Temptation
- The Spirit of Martyrdom in the 21st Century
- Satan’s Opposition Against a Soul Coming to Christ
- The Reality of the Existence of Satan, the Devil of the Bible
- Slanderous Lies: The Fuel of Anti-Christian Persecution
- Job’s Answer to Satan, Arminianism & Roman Catholicism
- The Devil’s Deceptions & Decoys
- King Herod’s Murderous Mentor
- The Tender Mercies of the Wicked
- The Arabian Antichrist & the Koran
- Unclean Devils in the Souls of Men
- Jesus Christ’s Way of Dealing With Persecution
- A Dark Night of Despair At Endor
- Sorcerers Past and Present
- Trials, Temptations & Afflictions
- Riches & Honours: The Subtle Snare of Worldly Prosperity
- The Certainty of Temptations & Trials, Troubles & Tribulations
- Singing in the Rain
- A Christian’s Best Revenge
- Teaching Times
- Considering God in the Midst of Our Adversities
- Is Every Affliction a Judgment of God Upon Sin?
- Spiritual Medicine & Preventative Prescriptions
- The Greatest Peril of Perilous Times
- God’s Sifting & Testing of Gideon’s Troops
- God’s Experiential Sympathy School
- The Dangers of Solitude
- Why Government Leaders Need Our Prayers
- A Pestilence in the Land
- Hope in the Living God
- Job’s Diligent Search for God
- The Great Spiritual Danger of Worldly Riches
- Consider God’s Grand Design in Affliction
- Christian Suffering in its Proper Perspective
- Shall I Not Drink It?
- Uncategorized
- Worship & Praise
- God's War against Idolatry
- Instrumental Music & Worship Part 1: The Organ Debate
- Instrumental Music & Worship Part 2: The Scriptural Argument
- Acapella Praise
- The Poetry of Praise
- A Right Purpose in Worship
- Music & Singing: Is it Worship or Religious Entertainment?
- Heart Melody unto the Lord
- The Demon of the Singing
- The Deadening Effect of Ritualistic Formality
- The Subtle Snare of Human Tradition
- Ask Yourself: What Really Motivates Me to Worship God?
- The Idolatrous Strange Fire of Roman Catholic Worship
- A Thankful Remembrance of God’s Holiness
- A Reason for Thankfulness: God’s Enduring Mercy & Goodness
- Two Keys to Praising God: Joy & Thankfulness
- A Thanksgiving Feast of Blessings & Praise
- Giving Thanks for All Things―Always
- Holy Boasting
- Thankful Praise in a Time of Pestilence
- Strange Fire
- Hannah’s Song of Thanksgiving & Prayer of Praise
- A Lesson From a Leper
- Psalm 136—A Song of Thankful Praise to God for His Mercy
- Singing in the Ways of the Lord
- Thanksgiving & Praise, the Inseparable Twins of True Worship
- Worship Music
- The Right Kind of Singing
- Psalms Written “for the Sons of Korah”
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